Business Entrepreneur & a Marketing specialist earned more than 17 years of experience, Efficiently able to develop a module that supports companies to connect together. With the passion I Created a complete & powerful networking platform consequently and also keep representing Famous Indian A-list celebrities in various events and Businesses. I am an ardent promoter who is deeply invested to set long term connections with the Australian Government & prestigious Business Entrepreneurs.
In today's world, it is becoming more and more difficult to know who to trust when you need a service. Having been recognized on Facebook & Instagram, Now you can just blindly trust us, for any sort of service no matter if it's for hosting and managing events or selling wholesale liquor. It is a moment when we can look back and remember what we have accomplished through hard work. Kiren is a company that was established in 2010. They provide event management, liquor wholesalers, logistics, and hosting for events, and most importantly they provide brand recognition.
Business Experience (Years)
Events Managed/ Hosted
Our Sponsors